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Application for investment

A legal entity or an individual who has a intention to attract investments in their activities may contact the call center of the project “INVEST IN UZBEKISTAN” or the section “Assistance”.

The INVEST IN UZBEKISTAN project provides an opportunity to select the desired option of the requested investment in the following categories:

  • Investments in share capital
  • Investment in art
  • Investment in commercial real estate
  • Investment in corporate bond
  • Investment in residential real estate
  • Public private partnership
  • Banking instruments (deposits).

Legal or physical persons will be guaranteed:

  •  Rendering assistance to small businesses and private entrepreneurship in participation in foreign capital markets, exhibitions and fairs with the conclusion of investment contracts, providing access to new capital markets and export of new types of products to small businesses and private entrepreneurship involving foreign investment.
  • Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including small business and private entrepreneurship
  • Carrying out activities on the strengthening of international trade, economic and investment relations, the improvement of contractual and legal relations between government bodies and small business and private entrepreneurship entities of Uzbekistan with foreign capital.
  • Prevention, identification, minimization or elimination of legal risks in the implementation of foreign economic activity related to the attraction of foreign investment by business entities, countering unfair commerce and competition, overcoming administrative barriers, raider seizure of enterprises and illegal redistribution of property.

The project is carried out with the assistance of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the UzLiDeP Party and the “S.VERENINS LEGAL GROUP” Law firm.


Download sample questionnaire 

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