Khokim of Fergana region Khairullo Bozorov received Chinese investors headed by Wu Hong Qian, head of ‘‘Jianhua Ceramics’’, the press service of the regional khokimiyat reports.
The meeting discussed the progress of a major investment project for the production of ceramic products and tiles, which is being implemented in the territory of the special economic zone ‘‘Kokand’’. Chinese investors have invested $50 million in direct investments in this project, of which $40 million in work has been completed to date.
Wu Hong Qian thanked for the comprehensive support of this project and reported that production equipment is currently being delivered from China, which is being installed by specialists. He also asked the khokim to help resolve issues related to the supply of raw materials.
The khokim noted that this issue will be resolved in conjunction with the relevant ministry.
The meeting also discussed issues related to organizing visits of large Chinese entrepreneurs interested in investing in various sectors of the region’s economy.