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07 October 2022

MIFT presented the “Investment Guide of Uzbekistan”

The Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan has published the Investment Guide of Uzbekistan (“https://mift.uz/en/investp”), designed to provide potential investors and business representatives with all the necessary information in English, Russian and Japanese for making investment decisions.

The document contains up-to-date information and comprehensive information on the country’s large-scale reforms, business opportunities in various sectors of the economy, ongoing systematic work to support transparency and improve the investment climate. The guide was produced with the technical and financial assistance of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), as well as consulting support from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

The investment guide of Uzbekistan was first presented in English during the first Tashkent International Investment Forum, held on March 24-26 this year. Since then, the guide has been translated into Russian and Japanese, as well as supplemented with the latest statistics and other relevant information.

The guide provides an overview of the benefits and cites five main reasons for investing in Uzbekistan, including economic growth and stability, consistent reforms aimed at creating an open economy, a large domestic market of 35 million people, a high proportion of young, well-educated young people in composition of the labor force, as well as a large number of diverse natural reserves and minerals.

In the investment guide of Uzbekistan, foreign investors will be able to find all the relevant information about the leading sectors of the economy, untapped industry opportunities, as well as various benefits and preferences that they can receive. It also details various ways to invest, from starting a business to public-private partnerships and privatization of state-owned enterprises, and provides guidance on legal, tax, customs and labor issues.