On March 26, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting to discuss measures for the economic and social development of the Namangan region, the press service of the head of our state reports.
It was noted that thanks to the hard work and entrepreneurial talent of the residents, Namangan is being transformed. Over the past seven years, the region’s economy has doubled, exports have tripled, and per capita income has reached 15.5 million soums. Thanks to investments in the amount of 65 trillion soums, 600 thousand jobs were created.
However, many opportunities have not yet been exploited, and there are shortcomings on the ground. For example, 86 percent of the region’s exports come from textiles and fruit and vegetable production. The level of industrialization in Pop, Chortoq, Naryn and Yangikurgan is low. 56 thousand household plots are not used for growing produce.
The meeting, held in a critical spirit, analyzed the problems and identified tasks for the full mobilization of capabilities.
The main attention of the head of state is paid to ensuring employment of the population and increasing their incomes. Based on the experience of Saykhunabad, a lot of work has also begun in Namangan. Bank branches are attached to 788 mahallas in 14 districts of the region. They, together with seven mahallas, study the capabilities of each household, the desires and aspirations of families.
At the first stage, 4 thousand low-income families were selected, for which measures will be taken to increase per capita income to 2 million soums. At the next stage, another 4 thousand families will be provided with financial, technical and advisory support. In mahallas there are good opportunities for the development of floriculture, fish farming, beekeeping, livestock farming, viticulture, growing strawberries and potatoes. Preferential loans will be allocated for this.
– Who should do these things? Khokims representing the President, heads of sectors, more than 5 thousand employees of economic departments, makhalla seven. To do this, all responsible persons must organize close work with every enterprise, entrepreneur and household, the head of state said.
In recent years, complete processing of raw materials has been established in the textile industry, which has led to an increase in export volumes from 1 billion to 4 billion dollars. Similarly, there is a lot of potential in the jewelry industry as well. Every year 100 tons of gold are mined in our country, but only 6 percent is processed, resulting in only $78 million in exports.
In this regard, it was announced the creation of jewelry zones with special conditions for entrepreneurs. The supply chain of raw materials, specialist training, production and sales system will be completely revised. In this regard, proposals for amendments to the legislation will be made.
Other untapped opportunities include roads and tourism. The distance from the city of Angren to Turakurgan is 100 kilometers, the daily flow of cars exceeds 10 thousand. Entrepreneurs are ready to create cafes, shopping and service points along this road, providing permanent employment for 10 thousand people. The task has been set to develop an appropriate master plan and put the land up for auction.
The need to develop tourism in the mountainous and picturesque areas of the Namangan region and to increase air and rail transportation for the convenience of tourists was emphasized.
The industrial potential of the region is also high. In recent years, 72 small and youth industrial zones have been launched.
However, 16 industrial zones can accommodate additional projects on 78 hectares. 29 deposits have not been developed industrially. Exports to neighboring countries amount to $568 million, which does not correspond to the region’s potential.
In this regard, measures have been determined to put up deposits for auction, open additional customs posts and trading houses, create a cargo terminal at Namangan International Airport and a logistics center near the Kamchik Pass. Instructions were given for projects in the textile, leather and footwear, jewelry, electrical industries and production of building materials.
Yesterday, construction began on a cascade of hydroelectric power stations on the Naryn River and two solar power plants with a capacity of 1 thousand megawatts in the Pop district. Next year it is also planned to launch a cascade of small hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 51 megawatts on the Great Andijan Canal.
During the discussion of agricultural problems, it was noted that the work on concreting canals and introducing water-saving technologies leaves much to be desired.
Intensive fish farming will be developed in Uchkurgan, Papa, Uychi and Mingbulak based on the experience of Slovenia; four large projects will be launched in this area.
Of the 1.5 million tons of fruits and vegetables grown in Namangan, only 10 percent were exported. With proper organization of work, exports can be increased by 3-5 times. To achieve this, the geography of fruit and vegetable exports will expand to China, Germany, Italy, Spain and Arab countries. An agrochemical map of 54 thousand hectares of land will be developed, 18 thousand hectares of which will be adapted to GSP+ requirements.
The region has a low level of processing of fruits, vegetables, meat and milk. For example, despite the specialization of Kasansay and Chortoq in vegetable and fruit growing, there is not a single processing enterprise.
Therefore, 62 projects worth $141 million will be launched. Large livestock clusters will be created in Kasansay and Papa.
Special attention is paid to the tasks of improving the infrastructure of cities and mahallas. The city of New Namangan is currently being built for 200 thousand residents. In the Chust and Pop districts, “New Uzbekistan” communities will be built for 10 thousand residents, as well as housing for 20 thousand apartments, an IT park and a green park.
Tasks have been identified to improve water supply, construction and repair of roads in the regions.
On the basis of 16 specialized medical centers in the region, two will be created – the first and second medical centers of Namangan. This will allow emergency and other medical services, diagnostic services and specialists in specialized areas to be concentrated in one place, providing 24-hour service to the population.
Issues of improving the quality of education in higher educational institutions, as well as employment of youth and women, were raised.
Information from regional and district khokims and ministers was heard on the issues discussed at the meeting. Through video communication, a sincere dialogue took place with the public of the districts.