03 April 2022

Production of soda from “Uzbekneftegaz” waste brought in $6 million

In 2022, “Uzbekneftegaz” and “Uzkimesanoat” at the joint venture Uz-Kor Gas Chemical implemented the project “Production of household soda from carbon dioxide”. The sale of the finished product for export brought 6 million dollars.

The project was designed to reduce the harm caused by SO2 gas to the environment. As recalled in “Uzbekneftegaz”, within the framework of the Paris Agreement, Uzbekistan has committed itself to reducing specific greenhouse gas emissions. An operational working group has been created in the company structure to carry it out. In order to reduce emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere at industry enterprises, experts proposed to establish production from SO2 household soda.

To transport carbon dioxide from the enterprise, a 15 km long pipeline was laid to the Kungradsky soda plant. Of the 35 thousand tons of carbon dioxide released during the year, the production of 20 thousand tons of sodium and calcium domestic soda necessary for food and agricultural purposes was established.

The project created 20 additional high-paying jobs for young professionals. Production of products totaling US $6 million has been achieved, with the bulk of soda being exported.

“Uzbekneftegaz” noted that as a result, the impact of carbon dioxide on the environment of the Aral Sea and Karakalpakstan was minimized, the plant ensured compliance with state and international requirements for ensuring environmental safety, and increased economic indicators of the region.

The company’s working group proposed another project. It is planned to produce protein feed from carbon dioxide used in the cattle breeding industry.