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25 April 2024

A panel session “Industrial registration: cooperation, warehouses and logistics” in Central Asia was held

Panel session “Production registration, warehouses and logistics in Central Asia”, organized by “Kommersant” Publishing House, which took place as a part of the international exhibition “Innoprom. Central Asia”, has become an important platform for discussing key issues in the development of the logistics and warehouse market in this region.

The event participants discussed how industrial cooperation between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Republic of Uzbekistan can contribute to the development of logistics and warehousing in Central Asia. Issues such as improving infrastructure, optimizing transport and warehouse chains, and introducing new technologies were the focus of attention.

The session was opened by the Managing Director of the Office of International Multilateral Cooperation and Integration of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Executive Secretary, Member of the Presidium of the EAEU Business Council, Sergei Mikhnevich.

In his speech, he emphasized several important aspects related to the development of Eurasian economic integration. Particular attention was paid to the growing interest of Russian companies in expanding their presence in the markets of member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and strategic partners.

He also drew attention to the creation of a Eurasian mechanism for financing industrial cooperation, which provides opportunities for the development of value chains through the formation of joint ventures. This mechanism is open not only to companies from the EAEU countries, but also to those who are not members of this union.

Sergei Mikhnevich emphasized the importance of an integrated approach in the development of cooperation, where the key role is played by eliminating logistics and warehouse bottlenecks, as well as solving the “last mile” problem to improve integration processes. He also highlighted the importance of raising awareness of available opportunities and tools to develop practical cooperation involving business.

Among the speakers was also the Managing Partner of  “S.Verenin’s Legal Group” law firm – Verenin Sergey Ivanovich, who presented the project “Invest in Uzbekistan”, of which the UzLiDeP party is a partner.

“The assistance provided by the UzLiDeP party is an indicator that both the government and public authorities are interested in creating conditions for Uzbekistan to take its rightful place among countries with the most attractive investment climate. By creating this portal and the TAYYOR mobile application, we are trying to unlock the potential that Uzbekistan actually has and eliminate some of the shortcomings that currently exist”, – noted Sergei Ivanovich Verenin.

He also emphasized the conditions created for foreign investors on the territory of Uzbekistan, including benefits and preferences operating in free economic zones.