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24 May 2019

Center for the development of investment projects is being created.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to improve the activities of the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, a Center for the Development of Investment Projects is created.

The center is created on the basis of the Agency for Technological Development under the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade, and the unitary enterprise “Expert Center of Investments” under the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs.

The tasks of the Center will include:

  • identifying and developing new investment projects aimed at mobilizing the competitive advantages of the industrial, infrastructural, raw material and human potential of the country to expand the production of finished products competitive in the domestic and international markets using innovative, advanced technologies and a cluster approach;
  • development of investment projects for modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of existing production facilities and promising enterprises for the expansion of their production volumes;
  • development and implementation of an interactive investment map of Uzbekistan, reflecting the productive potential and demand of each region in the volume of investments, with specific projects with preliminary calculations and other information of interest to potential investors;
  • the formation of a database of necessary licensed programs and systems for technical support of investment projects, as well as the development of feasibility studies for them with the assistance of domestic and foreign design and survey and engineering organizations

In addition, the Resolution approves the introduction of the post of deputy khokim – head of investment and foreign trade to the structure of khokimiyats of provinces and the city of Tashkent.