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12 September 2024

Promising areas of cooperation between Uzbekistan and the Korean-Uzbek Business Association and new joint projects in our country were discussed in Seoul

Ambassador of Uzbekistan Alisher Abdusalomov met with the head of the company ‘‘Shindong Resources’’, Chairman of the Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association Kim Yong Gu, the correspondent of  ‘‘Dunyo’’ news agency reports.

During the meeting, Kim Yong Gu expressed gratitude for the constant support of the government of Uzbekistan for the activities of the Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association and the projects implemented by the company ‘‘Shindong Resources’’. He also said that he is always ready for the rapid expansion of trade and economic relations between the two countries.

In turn, the South Korean side was provided with detailed information on the reforms implemented recently in Uzbekistan in the field of supporting the effective activities of foreign investors.

It was noted that with the practical support of the Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association, much attention is paid to the implementation of large projects in Uzbekistan. In particular, the construction of the ‘‘International Gulistan City’’ complex in the Syrdarya region by the ‘‘Evervolution’’ consortium, the creation of a multi-storey business center, a hotel and residential complex with the participation of the ‘‘Somang Development’’ company, and special attention is paid to projects to create a branch of the South Korean ‘‘Sun Moon’’ University in the Syrdarya region.

It was also noted that in order to further intensify interregional trade, economic and investment cooperation, the association, together with the Embassy, ​​is preparing to organize business forums in the regions of Uzbekistan this year.