23 October 2023

Entrepreneurial activity is growing in Uzbekistan

To assess the economic situation in Uzbekistan, CEIR experts conduct monthly monitoring of the state of business activity at the regional and district levels, “UzDaily.uz” reports. The analysis showed an increase in budget revenues and a stable trend.

Analysis of business activity in the context of regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan is calculated monthly by the Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CERR) based on operational data (monitoring for all regions of the republic, according to data from the Labor Code, State Tax Committee, Central Bank and Uzbek Exchange).

The results of September monitoring showed that tax revenues increased by 6.1% compared to last year.

At the same time, a significant increase in tax revenues was noted in Jizzakh (by 43.4%), Tashkent (by 25.0%), Syrdarya

(by 23.9%), Navoi (by 22.4%), Namangan (by 17.1%) regions and in the city of Tashkent (by 18.8%).

Budget revenue support was provided by an increase in income tax revenue by 24%, property tax by 27% and land tax by 20%.