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27 April 2019

Lawyers of the Law Firm “S.Verenin’s Legal Group” took an active part in the “Tashkent Law Spring”


Lawyers of the law firm “S. Verenin’s legal group ”, represented by Managing Partner Verenin Sergey, lawyer Musayev Zhakhongir and practicing lawyer Kurbanova Esma, actively participate in the International Legal Forum“ Tashkent Law Spring ”, which is currently being held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, from April 25 to 27.

Our lawyers took part in most of the discussion sessions, one of which was “International Arbitration and Litigation”, which was opened by Carolyn Lamm, Chairman of the US-Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce, Managing Partner of the International Law Firm “White & Case”, with an opening speech.


In addition, our lawyers were present at the discussion “State Planning and Administrative Reform”, at which the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ruslanbek Davletov spoke, and outlined 7 main tasks in the legal sphere facing Uzbekistan. The minister sees one of the main tasks in creating legal conditions for investing in Uzbekistan. “What are the challenges ahead? First of all, this is the constancy of the laws we adopt. An investor should know what awaits him, ”said Ruslanbek Davletov.


Also one of the discussion topics of the forum was “Investors prefer English law”. The topic that interested many forum participants. The session was addressed by Christopher Campbell-Holt, the registrar and the head of the Court and the International Arbitration Center of the AIFC (Kazakhstan), with a report on English law in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which exists within the framework and at the International Astana Center. Also made by Sebastian Lawson (“Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer” (Austria)), Murat Akuev (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & HAMILTON LLC (Russia)), Anastasia Malyugin (“PricewaterhouseCoopers” (United Kingdom)) and many other lawyers deserving attention.


We hope that the changes in the legal sphere that have already occurred and will still occur in the future in the Republic of Uzbekistan will serve to create a truly investment attractiveness of the country on the world capital market, and create an atmosphere in which investors will be comfortable and profitable to work.

For active participation in the forum, lawyers of the law firm “S. Verenin’s legal group ”were awarded certificates from the Minister of Justice Ruslanbek Davletov.